Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Coral reef - Australia

       This is Picture of Australian Coral Reef. Coral reefs are under water structures made from Calcium carbonate secreted by Corals. Coral is So beautiful natural thing. Coral reef is home of fishes. Over 4,000 species of fish inhabit Coral reef. Coral reef system provide impotent habits for sea birds species, Fro example Midway Atoll in Hawaii Support three million sea birds.
                          And some kind of Sea Snakes home is Coral reef. Sea snake feed exclusively on fish and their eggs. Coral reef delivery ecosystem services to tourism, Fisheries and coastline protection. This coral reef has earn US$ 375 Billion per year. Abot six Million tons of fishes are taken each year from coral reef. Coral reef has annual yield of 15 tons of sea food on average per Square kilometer.

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